Thursday, February 16, 2017

Chapter 8

Nutrient-dense Foods: rich in vitamins and minerals and contain relatively few calories
Body Composition: describes the proportion of body fat to lean mass in a person's body
Overweight: defined as a high amount of body fat in relation to lean body mass
Obesity: is an excessive amount of body fat
Malnutrition: a chronic problem caused by a significant lack of nutrients within a person's diet
Centering: focusing on only one part of the situation
Reversibility: actions can be reversed
Concrete Operational Stage: able to think logically based on their past experiences
Learning Diversity: differences in learning based on abilities or experiences
Learning Styles: methods of taking in and processing information
Executive Strategies: skills used to solve problems
Conventional Morality: children may make a moral decision based on what laws and regulations state about cheating
Industry Versus Inferiority: children becoming more independent and learning more skills
Hyperopia: farsightedness
Myopia: nearsightedness
Dyslexia: difficulty understanding and recognizing letters, symbols, and sentence meanings
Mainstreaming: the placement of special needs students who show the ability to keep up with the curriculum into regular classrooms

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