Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Characteristics of Thinking

Preschoolers believe that everything that happens is because of them or affects them in one way or the other. 

Children are drawn to only one aspect of a problem or situation. They only focus on one thing at a time, for example, the fast  movement of an action hero fight. 

Inability to Conserve
Children's inability to understand that something will remain the same unless they take or add something to it, and that will change what the amount is or how well it works. 

Animistic Thinking
Used to develop the child's comprehension of what is real and what is pretend, and how they should feel towards that object if it is nonliving. 

Supernatural Fears
These occur when a child confuses the difference between reality and fantasy and they develop fear. Once they experience more normal experiences, they learn to control the fears. 

Child has difficulty classifying objects. Around age 4 they begin to classify objects by one attribute such as color or shape.

Difficulty Identifying Transitions
Children at a young age tend to notice things once they happen and after they happen, not what happens in between.

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